This Christmas was so enjoyable..being with family..opening gifts..eating WAY too much delicious food..I had a great time this blessed season ! We had Christmas Eve Day with one set of Grandparents and Christmas Day with the other. Both days were filled with fun and excitement in watching the kids open their gifts and the smiles on their faces as they were playing with new toys. I am so glad that we are able to visit with each of our families without having to travel to very far. It is so important to us as a family to be with everyone around the holidays. Family is very important to us, and as we were missing 1 of ours this year, it was a reminder of how much we love each other and miss them when they are not with us. How precious each member of this family is to me..I love each one ! (photos will be coming of the festivities)
Now that we are back home, I am thinking about the coming year and what the Lord will have in store for our family. I am excited about trips we may take, the boys playing sports, me working on my sewing machine & scraping, being together as a family. It is so nice to have these next few days to reflect before the New Years excitement is upon us. I am so blessed by my family, the love of my husband, my kids, friends and by the Lord's grace and mercy that cover us each day ! I can't wait for 2009 !
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve
Our family tradition on Christmas Eve is to open our stockings when wake ! The boys were up and ready at 7:30 am and all set to open gifts. They were helpful with each other this year, lending a hand to open the treats.

Daddy is happy with his beef sticks (an annual treat in his stocking)

Mommy got her butterfingers ! (the one candy bar she truly loves)

An extra surprise this morning was an early delivery from Santa! Look at all the fun we'll be having with this one..thank you SANTA !

In just a few hours we'll be going to Debbie Grandma & Papa's house for round 2 of opening gifts..we can't wait !
Merry Christmas Eve !
Daddy is happy with his beef sticks (an annual treat in his stocking)
Mommy got her butterfingers ! (the one candy bar she truly loves)
An extra surprise this morning was an early delivery from Santa! Look at all the fun we'll be having with this one..thank you SANTA !
In just a few hours we'll be going to Debbie Grandma & Papa's house for round 2 of opening gifts..we can't wait !
Merry Christmas Eve !
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Ryan's Christmas Party
Friday was Ryan's preschool Christmas party and both Mike and I were able to go and enjoy. The kids came out to sing us 3 songs they had been practicing..Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, Jingle Bells and Once There Was A Snowman. He did such a good job..we could hear him loud and clear..all of them were so cute. You could tell that he was so proud to be singing for us and doing the motions..he just loves to sing. I should have caught on that they were learning songs in school..we have been singing Rudolph for the past 2 weeks non-stop !
After their performance, we had a potluck with all the other parents and kids..the kids had homemade ornaments for us, which are on display on the tree, they did a book exchange and then a gift from the teachers. It was a fun filled morning that we won't soon forget !
After their performance, we had a potluck with all the other parents and kids..the kids had homemade ornaments for us, which are on display on the tree, they did a book exchange and then a gift from the teachers. It was a fun filled morning that we won't soon forget !
Early Christmas Celebration
Last Tuesday night was our first Christmas celebration of the date there will be 4 total this year, wow I know..we had such a great time. The reason for our early get together was to have a night with Darren. He was only home for the night, returning from his first semeseter away at UNR..he & Amy had just returned home that afternoon and we were all so excited to see them.
There was a lot of wrestling before dinner just to show how much they were missed !
Dinner was a green salad, manicoti, french bread and lemon bars & chocolate cake cookies for dessert ! We all enjoyed every last bite. There wasn't one single crumb for leftovers! After dinner it was time for presents..YEAH !
It fun to catch a glimpse of what Christmas Day will be like.. To end our evening we all snuggled together to watch Batman the Dark Night. Before it was over, half of us watching were catching some zzzzz...what a fun night to be all together.
Dinner was a green salad, manicoti, french bread and lemon bars & chocolate cake cookies for dessert ! We all enjoyed every last bite. There wasn't one single crumb for leftovers! After dinner it was time for presents..YEAH !

Thursday, December 18, 2008
All Done Shopping
Well it has been a few days since I have had the time to sit and write..and so many fun things have happened. I will be adding more this weekend with photos to fill you all in on our exciting week.
I am happy to say that I am done Christmas Shopping! And some of the deals I got are AMAZING!! All I can say to that is "Thank you Lord"..I was blessed this year by so many wonderful sales and online coupons that I am now even more thankful that I have my name on a few was also convenient that the coupons matched the stores I was going to..that doesn't always work out. It was a long day of shopping and dragging the boys in and out of so many stores to get gift cards and small things today..but it all paid off and now I am so excited of the deals and the fact that I am all done..I have this extra energy that is just wanting to be used.I will probably stay up way too late tonight and wrap most of them while the boys are sleeping. It is a much easier task to do when they are not trying to be big helpers all the time. It is precious that they are so eager to help me out..but sometimes it just isn't the right time for help.
We did receive an early Christmas present from our oldest son..he got us tickets to the UNR/UNC basketball game in Reno for New Year's Eve!! UNC is my hubby's favorite college basketball team and this was an opportunity not to be passed up. We are so excited to be doing something so fun on New Year's Eve..what a fun time we'll have. I can't wait to post photos and show off our night. Well I am off to wrap those presents and play some Christmas music quietly while the house sleeps..Merry Christmas !
I am happy to say that I am done Christmas Shopping! And some of the deals I got are AMAZING!! All I can say to that is "Thank you Lord"..I was blessed this year by so many wonderful sales and online coupons that I am now even more thankful that I have my name on a few was also convenient that the coupons matched the stores I was going to..that doesn't always work out. It was a long day of shopping and dragging the boys in and out of so many stores to get gift cards and small things today..but it all paid off and now I am so excited of the deals and the fact that I am all done..I have this extra energy that is just wanting to be used.I will probably stay up way too late tonight and wrap most of them while the boys are sleeping. It is a much easier task to do when they are not trying to be big helpers all the time. It is precious that they are so eager to help me out..but sometimes it just isn't the right time for help.
We did receive an early Christmas present from our oldest son..he got us tickets to the UNR/UNC basketball game in Reno for New Year's Eve!! UNC is my hubby's favorite college basketball team and this was an opportunity not to be passed up. We are so excited to be doing something so fun on New Year's Eve..what a fun time we'll have. I can't wait to post photos and show off our night. Well I am off to wrap those presents and play some Christmas music quietly while the house sleeps..Merry Christmas !
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Winter Hats...pkt 14
Pocket 14 brings something homemade from Mom..winter hats !! The boys have been in need of new beanies that cover thier ears to keep them warm on these cold winter days. I found a great deal on some "boy" helicopter fabric and coordinating fabric as well. I was up until almost 1am last night watcing Narnia and finishing up their hats..for I had waited til the last minute..but as you can see their smiles made it all worth it !
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Christmas Runner
As many of you will find out..I love to sew !! It is something that I taught myself to do almost 4 years ago now, and I really enjoy it. ( a friend told me once I am going to make a great old lady with this skill ) For the past few years I have been making Christmas treats for friends and family, but never anything for us..I just don't seem to find the time to include myself in the making of things. But this year FINALLY..we have a Christmas Runner! I just love this has a bit of plaid, which I love, and Christmas Holly. I think it looks just beautiful on our table with our red Sleigh. I am so excited to sit to dinner and have something I made to complete the table.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Stocking Pocket 12

Today was a special stocking day with mom and dad! I went and rented a new video from the Library..Spy Kids 3-D as a treat today. As an even more special treat, Dad was able to join the lunchtime fun with the boys today. They got to have a carpet picnic with popcorn and goodies.
We set up their little couches..tucked ourselves in..and enjoyed the afternoon with each other. Matthew made it through most of it, crashing into naptime on my lap..I love those moments when they are cuddly and warm and just fall asleep in your arms. It was a fun friday for us all!
What a Day
Wednesday was a bit of a whirl wind day. We had preschool & Bible Study at the same time..just after both of those I was due back at church for a meeting from 12-1..which was interesting..the kids that were with us were running around the church causing some eyebrows to raise..then we were to head out and do some shopping. There were only 3 stores that we needed to get to and the first 2 went just fine..then we decided to go to the mall...yikes ! While in the dept store, Matthew decided to push Ryan in the back..this is what caused the downfall of the afternoon! Ryan hits his head on a shelf right at the level of his ear..the corner of the shelf cuts into his ear..this immediately starts to bleed in the middle of the carpeted clothing area! I apply pressure while trying to run with him in my arms, Matthew in the stroller and items on the top to the customer service dept at the back of the store. When we get there we are helped by several employees and nice shoppers. After about 30 minutes of cleaning the cut, bandaging it up and checking that he has no other symptoms of a head wound, we are FINALLY ready to go! Ryan is going to end up with a small scar on his right ear for a little while..just a reminder of how much fun little brothers can be!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Santa Visit

I took the boys to see Santa today. This was an exciting treat for them to see him and talk with him. As we stood in line, they had questions about how he got to the mall..where were the long could they sit with him? so many questions for a 5 minute line.
I explained to them that this Santa is a helper to the Santa at the North Pole..for he is far too busy to come to every city right now. This seemed to be accepted as a reasonable answer.
When it was their turn to sit in the sleigh they both smiled so innocently and said " Hi Santa". They both shared what they wish for Christmas this year..Ryan a Star Wars Blaster, to go with his helmet..and Matthew a dinosaur. It was so sweet!
They both sat on his lap so nicely although there weren't great smiles captured. I am not sure how long this tradition will keep on going..but I don't see the harm in enjoying a fun fantasy for a while..that is what childhood is all I still BELIEVE too !!
Monday, December 8, 2008
our tree tradition
Tonight we put up our tree and decorated it as well. Tradition in our home is to get the room all ready with lights, decorations, ornaments and Christmas music before decorating the tree. This year was no exception. After putting the tree in the stand and turning it a few times to have it in just the right spot, it was ready for lights and ornaments.
Each year the youngest starts out by putting the first ornament on the tree. Then we proceed with the next oldest until we reach me..the oldest in our house. hee hee It is fun to watch each family member choose which they will hang next and then stand in front of the tree to find just the right spot. We have been doing this since we moved into our home 7 years ago. It is such a special night for our family..although this year was not quite the same. This is our first year without our oldest son home. He is away at college this winter, but will be home for a night next week! In his honor we each put up an ornament either with his photo on it or his name. Even though he wasn't here in person, his spirit was as we put up his ornaments.
It feels a lot more like Christmas tonight..the tree is up..Bing is playing in the background, my favorite, the stockings are hung..we are almost ready for Santa to visit...we just have to write our letters first !
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Birthday Party
My son had his 5th birthday party this weekend. What a fun event this was..we went to Chuck E. Cheese. I had told myself that I would not let my kids ever have a party there, because the one I grew up around was not the best place..dirty..messy..too many kids. Well, Ryan really wanted to have it there and the more I thought about it, the better it started to sound. I wouldn't have to have my home ready for some 20 people to be there. I wouldn't have to be up all night cleaning and getting games ready. In fact I was ready and all set to go at around 10pm the night before which is well before I am usually ready for these events.
I always make the cake or cupcakes for my boys the night before and try and decorate it to go with the theme of the party. This year was no exception. Ryan was having a Transformers party..but I am not well equipped to make an Optimus I put the Autobot symbol on the top with his favorite colors and he LOVED it!! Really that's all that matters, is my son being happy.
As you can see..the cake turned out..Ryan had a blast at the party..the day was a great success!! Now I just need to prepare myself for the 21st when he turns 5 and try not to cry to much at the thought of my little baby growing up too fast.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Lego Star Wars
This afternoon, my son and I got to enjoy some time together building our own version of star wars ships thanks to Legos. It was so fun to sit and create with him and watch his imagination go..he is so into the characters right now. He made a cruiser while I made the landing dock where his ship can come in for repairs and checks. Once they were made, it was fun to watch him run around the room flying and getting the "dark side" while I would hover around and wait for him to come to my ship. I don't think I had ever pictured myself having this kind of playtime with a child when I was younger. But let me tell was the absolute best today! Just he and I..being together..being creative..having was great! Every Mom should be able to have moments like these with her kids..just to be and play and not worry about the the other things that needed to be done today did not matter. For those 2 hours it was just us having a blast. I can only pray that we will continue to have these times together..these are the days I treasure most.
Christmas Bubbles
Today inside pocket #4 were some little bubble bottles! The boys were so excited this afternoon, they had to be opened right away. As a rare treat, they were allowed to play with them on the hearth in the family room. Matthew did manage to spill his, but big brother Ryan was so kind to share his bottle with his brother. Bubbles was the perfect way to warm us up on this cold winter day!
Sew Fun
I have been enjoying my late nights the past week, putting together Christmas gifts for friends and family. It has been more fun this year than in the past because this year I have my own room to spread everything out in and it can be left out without little hands coming to touch and peek! I have my a table for scraping and sewing..a desk for computer time and printing..and I am working on shelving ideas so that I can get things off the floor. It is just so nice to have a space to call my own and enjoy my time spent in's my "attic" !!
I am eager to finish up a few projects tonight and get them in the mail for friends and family far from here. I need to make sure they are enjoyed this Christmas season. I'd better get back to my needle and thread...
I am eager to finish up a few projects tonight and get them in the mail for friends and family far from here. I need to make sure they are enjoyed this Christmas season. I'd better get back to my needle and thread...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Spinning Tops
This morning the boys woke..and after "good morning" hugs and kisses (kisses while they say good morning) they were ready to look inside their stocking for a new treasure. Today it was spinning tops. We have been having fun teaching the boys how to spin them and laughing as they spin off the table. It is the little things in life that are most precious at times..something as simple as a spinning top can bring a good hour of fun, laughter and smiles. Just the way I like to start my day.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Starting a Christmas Tradition
This year for Christmas I made each of the little boys a giant stocking advent calendar. Last night I filled it with little goodies & family things to do together. It was so exciting to see them come out this morning and take out their first surprise. 2 little frogs were waiting to be played with, each in their favorite color. They have been carrying them around all day..proof that they are enjoying what their Mama made for them.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Let Christmas Begin
Well it's that time of year again..which I love. This is my favorite time of the year..decorations are up, lights are on the houses and Christmas music is on the radio !! I just LOVE it !!
We were sent and early package this year with instructions to open by Dec. 1st, so this afternoon the boys got to open the FIRST presents of the season. We received some gingerbread scented ornaments (too cute), a gingerbread train to make
(we're going to do that with grandma & uncle brett this weekend)
and a cute count down to Christmas calendar for the boys room.. all thanks to Auntie Marci aka Ria. It was so f
What made it all the more special was the all 3 boys were home to open gifts. It was nice to have them all together if even only for a little while. Ryan & Matthew had so much fun with their big brother home..they love him so.
And now that they are asleep it's time for me to fill their stocking calendars with goodies for the morning. I can't wait!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Friday
I actually got up at 5:30am today to go out and do some shopping!! Crazy I know..what was I thinking! There were only 2 stores that I wanted to hit and the deals were good, so I figured why not. I haven't been out shopping the day after thanksgiving in so many years that it felt good to be out. I was prepared for the long lines, the grumpy shoppers and thankfully I didn't run into either.
My first stop was the fabric store..I got a 50% deal on fabric for my new newphew Seth's gift (still not telling you Bekah), a great deal on fleece for some Christmas presents for some friends and a Christmas present for me from my sister..thanks Bekah..the ruler was 50% off..I will enjoy it! There was even a 20% off coupon from the entire total! It was so worth the lack of sleep for the good deals.. :)
The next stop was Circut City to get us a new printer..finally! When I passed by there on my way to Joann's there was a line outside the store. When I got there, there was no line to get in..I walked to the printers..a guy got it out of the back..rang me up at the printer area and right back out the was so nice..I didn't have to wait in one single line. For what could have been a nightmare turned out to be a nice quiet time to myself for 2 hours this morning.
Well now I am off to enjoy the rest of my day..get ready to make Christmas goodies and spend time with family.
My first stop was the fabric store..I got a 50% deal on fabric for my new newphew Seth's gift (still not telling you Bekah), a great deal on fleece for some Christmas presents for some friends and a Christmas present for me from my sister..thanks Bekah..the ruler was 50% off..I will enjoy it! There was even a 20% off coupon from the entire total! It was so worth the lack of sleep for the good deals.. :)
The next stop was Circut City to get us a new printer..finally! When I passed by there on my way to Joann's there was a line outside the store. When I got there, there was no line to get in..I walked to the printers..a guy got it out of the back..rang me up at the printer area and right back out the was so nice..I didn't have to wait in one single line. For what could have been a nightmare turned out to be a nice quiet time to myself for 2 hours this morning.
Well now I am off to enjoy the rest of my day..get ready to make Christmas goodies and spend time with family.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving 2008
Today has been a wonderful holiday and has reminded me of all that I have to be thankful for. It has been a day all about being part of a loving family and how much fun we have together. Each one took his or her part in the turkey feast...whether it was preparing the turkey, playing with your nephews, peeling potatoes or washing all those dishes...we all had a hand in something today. Dinner was so Delicious. I enjoyed every bite on my plate and then some, but then I do enjoy my food.
My favorite part of the day was learning to play a new game today...Rock Band II XBOX 360...and oh how we all enjoyed it! I found out that I really should have been in a band..I can play the guitar, bass and the drums..just don't ask me to sing..hee hee This kept us all entertained a good part of the day. We'll all be playing this the rest of the weekend for sure.
In thinking back on the day, there are so many blessings I have to be thankful for... husband, children, parents, brothers and sisters, friends, the Lord who provides all our blessings, my Bible Study and laughter...just to name a few.
I pray that today was a beautiful day for all my friends and family wherever they were celebrating.
My favorite part of the day was learning to play a new game today...Rock Band II XBOX 360...and oh how we all enjoyed it! I found out that I really should have been in a band..I can play the guitar, bass and the drums..just don't ask me to sing..hee hee This kept us all entertained a good part of the day. We'll all be playing this the rest of the weekend for sure.
In thinking back on the day, there are so many blessings I have to be thankful for... husband, children, parents, brothers and sisters, friends, the Lord who provides all our blessings, my Bible Study and laughter...just to name a few.
I pray that today was a beautiful day for all my friends and family wherever they were celebrating.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Getting Ready
We are preparing to go and be with family for Thanksgiving today. It is always interesting trying to pack up everyone, clean the house and keep the little ones entertained. They are being so helpful by taking clothes out of their luggage and repacking it for me.
I am excited for "turkey day" this year. Both our families will be together at my in-laws home. Our son is coming home from college today to join us as well. It could only be more complete if my sister and her family were here from NZ, but hopefully in a few more years that will be a reality. For now, the thought of the the majority of us being together is wonderful.
I am so thankful that we will all be able to sit and enjoy a most delicious dinner all under one roof. Family is so important to us and I cherish all our moments with one another. Here's to another week full of laughter and joy..if only I can finish getting ready!!
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