Well it's that time of year again..which I love. This is my favorite time of the year..decorations are up, lights are on the houses and Christmas music is on the radio !! I just LOVE it !!
We were sent and early package this year with instructions to open by Dec. 1st, so this afternoon the boys got to open the FIRST presents of the season. We received some gingerbread scented ornaments (too cute), a gingerbread train to make
(we're going to do that with grandma & uncle brett this weekend)
and a cute count down to Christmas calendar for the boys room.. all thanks to Auntie Marci aka Ria. It was so f
What made it all the more special was the all 3 boys were home to open gifts. It was nice to have them all together if even only for a little while. Ryan & Matthew had so much fun with their big brother home..they love him so.
And now that they are asleep it's time for me to fill their stocking calendars with goodies for the morning. I can't wait!!