Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentine Goodies

This year we thought it would be fun to make some goodies for our neighbors. I want to teach my children to be loving children of be be thoughtful..and what better way to teach them by giving to our neighbors. We have lived here for almost 8yrs now and only know a handful of our neighbors..I would like to change that. It would be great to say that we know all our neighbors and know them well.

As you can see the boys were into the cookie making process.

Mom shaped them into hearts. (it's valentine's after all)

All wrapped up and ready to deliver.

This was a fun project for us all. The boys and I spent time doing something fun together and they learned about giving to others when we took them around today. The boys had fun handing them out today and greeting some new faces. We may have just started a new tradition for our family..and a fun one at that !

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