The first day was so windy that Ryan was shaking like a leaf
on the edge of the pool and Matthew didn't want to do any
of the skills for the day.
Day 2 was a little better. The weather improved and both boys
had a blast in the water..jumping in..
staying under and blowing bubbles.
Day 3 I got a turn to be in the pool with Matthew.
I couldn't keep him above water.
He took well to breathing and blowing bubbles under water.
He has become our little fish.
Day 4..only Ryan and I went. Matthew crashed at dinner and
stayed asleep until 6 am the next
though..he enjoys splashing around.
The last day..swim lessons in the rain! Oh my..we weren't even sure we were going to take them, but the Aquatic center said they'd be there rain or not. Everyone in the water had fun..Mom who was on the side lines getting wet isn't too sure about lessons in the rain.
It was a good week for them and now they keep asking when we can go swimming. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the mid 80's..we might just have to try out what we learned then.
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