Today we had a sweet little girl spend the day with us. It was such a treat to have another girl in the house..the boys just loved having her over. The 3 of them played so well with each other, they were all worn out at the end of the day.
Some of the fun included Alligator Hunting ! After leaving the sprinklers on a little extra long for them to play in, a mud puddle was created. When the water was turned off, it was onto the mud puddle for some fun. They began talking to one another about "hunting for alligators". It was the cutest thing to see them all digging in the dirt, moving rocks and things around and being oh so serious in their adventure. The 3 of them played this game for almost an hour. It was wonderful to see their imaginations at work !
Poking around for gators !
A little spraying always helps.

Sliding in the mud to get away from the gators !
Matthew attacking the mud.
3 successful Hunters !
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