Tuesday, December 29, 2009
New Page..New Year
Here's the new link : www.sewsimplymade.blogspot.com
Monday, December 28, 2009
A New Look !
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Everywhere we have been we have blessed with good times. I pray you were blessed wherever you were and whomever you were with. What a great time to be surrounded by those you love and cherish. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and great friends. I wish you all a Happy New Year ! May 2010 be an opportunity for your light to shine and for you to grow individually.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Birthday Skates

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas Crafts

Hand print Christmas Trees for the great grandmas
There is one other craft that turned out oh so sweet, but those photos will have to wait until after Christmas. Can't have any wandering eyes seeing their gifts before the 25th...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Better Prepared...
- Creating our January Month Menu (this is already done)
- Adding reminders to my calendar for birthday shopping...I am adding these in about 2-3 weeks before each birthday or event that I need to have a gift or card for. I am hoping to not be late for any occasion this year.
- Planning a Date Night for us at least once a month. We didn't have nearly as much quality couple time this past year, so I am aiming for this to be better.
- Planning Family Fun Night once a month. I thought this would be a fun night to go to the roller rink, have movie night at home or attend a local event as a family. Family Time is just as important as Couple Time.
- Cleaning Schedule : I am not a woman who enjoys cleaning, so I put it off until I have to do it. I am going to try and make this easier on myself by having 1-2 things to do each day. Maybe this will make the task not as daunting. If anyone has any ideas they want to share to help make this easier, I welcome them.
I already have numbers 1 & 3 done for January so I am off to a good start !
Monday, December 21, 2009
My Favorite Girlfriend & Sister
We LOVE taking these type of photos..

Another one of our famous shots !
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Turning 6 !

Saturday, December 19, 2009
More Girlfriends
This is us about 6 or 7 years ago !

On our trip to MO ...
Being Silly !

Merry Christmas Girls.. Love ya !
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
1 Down 21 To Go !
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Staying warm at the Ice Rink..
Enjoying Christmas Cheer !
I am thankful this time of year for my girlfriends. The Lord has blessed me with different friends for different reasons and at different times. I am going to be sharing photos of all "my girls" as I like to call them because they all are so special to me.
A Wacky Birthday Party!

He had the best time playing with his friends..
The parents had fun in the foam ball shooting area..

Thursday, December 10, 2009
A Mantle for Christmas

Ice Skating !

The boys trying out the buckets.
Matthew doing some skating.
Ryan skating all on his own..so proud !
We had a great day !
The boys taking a quick photo for mom !
Monday, December 7, 2009
I Sold Items !

I am so glad I ventured out and tried something new. I think now I am going to try get onto ETSY after the new year. We'll see how it goes..

My hubby's truck was covered in snow and it was snowing ! (although this photo doesn't do it justice) I was like a little girl again..it was so exciting to be standing outside and catch the snow on my tongue ! I loved seeing it fall so softly and gently on our lawn. What a wonderful Christmas present this was today !
Friday, December 4, 2009
I am anxious, nervous & a little giggly (I get that way) about what the day will bring. Have I made enough for the day? Will anything sell? Is the weather going to be nice or too cold? Yes, I have these questions and more running through my mind.
I am praying for a peace to come over me to remind me that this is going to be a fun day no matter what may happen. Praying for a positive attitude. Praying for a good night's sleep.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
A New Christmas Tradition

This year we started a new tradition with the boys. We picked up a copy of "The Elf on the Shelf", read the story, listened to the cd and are now enjoying the game of the holiday. If you haven't heard of this before here is a brief rundown.
Your Elf comes to you on at Christmas time..he is Santa's scout elf, here to watch you each day and report back to Santa each night. (whether you were naughty or nice) Each day when he returns from his trip to the North Pole he is in a new hiding spot in the house.
The boys were very excited to read the story of the "Elf" yesterday..we have named our little friend ELFIE...they couldn't wait to find him this morning when they awoke. It is going to be a fun Christmas with Elfie hiding all around the house.