I can't believe that my little one is going to be 6 years old tomorrow ! Oh how the years have gone so quickly. I can still remember the day we found out we were expecting. I was at work and received the phone call that we were for sure pregnant ! I was so filled with emotion I immediately started to cry. (we had been waiting a LONG time to be prego) The first person I called was my hubby to share the good news. He was overjoyed as well, couldn't believe it was really happening. The next call was to my dear friend Nyla. She and I were going to be sharing this wonderful experience together, she just a month or two ahead of me. I came home to find flowers from my love and we went to dinner to celebrate !
Our little man arrived 10 days late..I was beginning to think he wasn't going to come out ! He arrived on football sunday just before Christmas. (Dad had the 49er game on in the background) Hearing your little cry was the sweetest sound, so soft and precious. You were so small and tiny with the cutest little nose. I couldn't believe you were actually here. We were finally getting to meet you, hold you and kiss you..it was an amazing day !
And now you are having your 6th birthday tomorrow. I am so proud to be your mom. You are so sweet, kind and tender and oh so smart too ! I love you so and always will.
1 comment:
Too bad there isn't a "love" button on your blog, because I would have hit it :-). I'm glad we shared our struggles and joy together with our two. God put us together at the right place, at the right time. He is so good. Happy Birthday to Ryan! I am doing cartwheels again, this time - 6 times :-). Love you all.
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