Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Registering for Soccer

I can't believe that soccer season is upon us already..well at least registering for it. Furthermore, I can't believe that my little one is old enough to play on a city league team. Where has the time gone?
On the up side..I am excited about getting back into soccer. This has been a big sport for our family. Our older son has been playing since he was about 7..first indoor..then rec league..the high school team. I was the team mom..Dad was a coach..it was so fun for us all to be involved. It has been an entire year now since we have had a child in a team sport with our oldest off in college..so this will be an exciting fall season for us to be back into sports.

Here is a photo of the line I was standing in to register. I arrived 15 minutes early and was #14 in line. About 5 minutes later there were 20 people behind me. Thank heaven for early arrivals.

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