Saturday, April 18, 2009


Oh the joy of a dry diaper ! Our 2 1/2 yr old has been trying off and on for a few months on going potty in the toilet..not great success..but was going here and there. This Thursday he started saying he had to go potty and went 4 times. Friday was about the same..even going while we were out at the store. I sent my hubby a text that he had gone at the store and he suggested we buy some Pull-ups in preparation for potty training. Such a great idea ! Matthew took a few minutes to decide between Buzz Lightyear and Lighting the end Buzz won out.
So this morning we started out with a dry diaper from overnight..what a joy that was. And now he is STILL telling us when he has to go..there are a few times he doesn't get there in time..but overall we are on our way.
I do believe we are getting our Christmas wish of a no diaper holiday !

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